Here is "our" little one's ultra sound picture taken at the specialist's office. There is no second uterus. The baby is absolutely fine and so is Mama. McKenna's uterus is not a regular shape, though. It is more heart shaped. And an irregular shaped uterus can bring on pre-term labor. I'm sure that there will be more ultra sounds in her future.
This picture needs some explaning for those of you who normally don't view black and white ultrasounds.....the baby's head is in profile looking upwards. You can see the shoulders and the top half of it's chest. Eyes, nose, mouth, and eyes...yippee!
I got to go with Kenna to this doctor's visit. When they were doing the scan we could see the baby moving around, waving it's fist and kicking. Kenna didn't feel a thing. But me? I felt the earth move.
Looks to me as if Peanut is laying back, arms up under his/her head saying, "Life is good, Mama."